Asset Allocation
Asset Allocation is usually the first analysis that any investor does. Canopy users can configure all sort of dashboards depending on their requirements.
Equity Asset Allocation Dashboard
This dashboard shows the equity holdings as well as various metrics on any given date.
Interactive version of the dashboard below can be seen here
Equity Asset Allocation Dashboard
Bonds Asset Allocation Dashboard
Fixed Income is a very important category for Canopy customers. Typically investors track
Rating Profile
Maturity Profile
Yield to Call/Yield to Maturity
Geography / Industry / Currency distribution
This dashboard shows the bond holdings on these various metrics for any given date.
Interactive version of the dashboard below can be seen here
Bond Asset Allocation Dashboard
Historical Evolution of Asset Allocation
Often it makes sense to see how your asset allocation has evolved over time. Canopy allows you to slice and dice this dashboards based on
Asset Classification (whether Canopy Asset Class or User defined Asset Classes)
Portfolio (we can them Child Accounts)
Interactive version of the dashboard below can be seen here
Interactive Dashboard showing evolution of Asset Allocation over time (Premium Dashboard)
Geographical Asset Allocation
In this chart the size of each pie chart is proportional to total assets in that location. And each pie chart itself is an asset allocation chart for that jurisdiction.
Interactive version of the dashboard below can be seen here
Geographical Asset Allocation for any day chosen
Compare Asset Allocation across portfolios
Sometimes you need to compare asset allocation across two portfolios. Canopy allows you to do this quite easily (and on a scale of 100 if required)
Interactive version of the dashboard below can be seen here
Asset Allocation Comparison across portfolios